Friday, 28 January 2011

Thursday, 27 January 2011

AS FILM STUDIES: Section C - Jarhead

Watch this clip from Full Metal Jacket and think about how Mendes creates a very similar scene in Jarhead.  Intertextuality.

Sunday, 16 January 2011

AS FILM: Studying M*A*S*H

Useful links to help you to understand M*A*S*H in more detail:

The film was directed by Robert Altman.  This Senses of Cinema article offers a detailed account of who Robert Altman was and the films he made.
Here you can listen to Altman discussing the making of M*A*S*H:

The film was released in 1970 during the era known as New Hollywood.  Find out about New Hollywood here:

The film represents the Baby-boomer ideals of the 1960s onwards. Read about the Baby-boomers and their perceived life styles / experiences here:

The film was a commercial success.  Visit this page to see the budget and box office data:

The narrative is unconventional.  It has an episodic narrative.  This means that mini stories occur throughout the duration of the film.  This is in keeping with reality and the idea that life does not have  a smooth narrative that was so commonly observed in classic Hollywood films:

The film trailer explains a little more about the core narrative and the context:

A2 Film Studies Short Films

The Catcher in the Cap, a social realist film by Jordon Kemp.  (Contains occasional swearing).

The Waiting Room, a dark comedy by Chris Coles.

Firing Bullet, a film noir by Ellie Jones.

Lego Showdown, stop frame animation by Olly Williams.

Smith and Ted, action comedy by Rob Stevenson.

Revelation, psychological drama by Lee Duce

Four of Spades, by James Mitchell & Dan Annis.